
Clubs App for all forms

We have created a club app, which is a handy tool for all Rowing SA forms. This can be installed on your smartphone on your home screen, for quick access. You can download this via the QR code or via the link – Club App

Rowing SA North Reserve Bookings

Rowing SA is fortunate to have access to space to store trailers during the Rowing season. We have 5 bays that can be booked for a specified time and time frame, with a limit of 48 hours.

The booking process is via electronic form. This is a booking request. A calendar invite will be sent, to confirm the booking.

Key collection must be organsied prior to the booking via

Please note: Rowing SA does not offer security during your booking. All trailers are left at your own risk.

Indoor Rowing Room Bookings

This room is for the use of all SA clubs and registered athletes. The equipment must be treated with the utmost respect.

Please follow our guidelines to ensure that both the room and ergos are maintained in proper working condition. This is a community resource so your respect and common sense is appreciated.

Please note: if your booking is for a Sunday, the key must be collected on Friday.